The PowerPal is a Power Bank especially developed for photographers with a backup power for recharging the camera battery and other USB-charged devices in all situations where an AC power source is not available. It is a great tool for photographers on the move and working to remote environments.
The PowerPal SCN5000-EL14 is suitable for recharging the Nikon battery EN-EL14 or EN-EL14a. The batteries are compatible with Nikon Df, D5500, D5300, D3300, D5200, D5100, D5000, D3200, D3100, CoolPix A, CoolPix P7800, P7700, P7100, P7000.
The PowerPal is a high-end product. The most new ideas are in the physical design. The PowerPal has a battery compartment which is similar to the battery compartment design on camera. The camera battery can be recharged by inserted into the compartment. It is very easy and safe to use.
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