Trova il miglior prezzo per Elizabeth of Ladymead. Controlla le recensioni e la scheda tecnica del prodotto per essere sicuro di acquistare il prodotto che stai al prezzo più basso sul web.

Directed by renowned producer/director Herbert Wilcox at the height of his career, this British post-war film drama spans four generations to tell the never-changing story of the soldier husband who returns home expecting to find everything just as he left it. Starring screen icon Anna Neagle, Elizabeth of Ladymead is presented here in a brand-new transfer from the original film elements in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect ratio.Ladymead is the gracious Georgian mansion in which Elizabeth lives while her husband is fighting abroad. Here, we encounter four incarnations of the central character, all portrayed with typical accomplishment by Neagle, as she anxiously awaits her husband's return: 'Beth' of the Crimean War, 'Elizabeth' of the Boer War, 'Betty' of World War I, and 'Liz' of World War II. Her husband in each period returns expecting to find his wife, and everything else, exactly as he had left them. But the 'Elizabeth' he left behind has been changed irrevocably by her experiences…SPECIAL FEATURES[] Image Gallery [] Original Promotional Material PDFs
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Elizabeth of Ladymead