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A transatlantic principal cast lends classic film noir appeal to this stylish, cleverly plotted thriller adapted from a story (and earlier television serial) by Francis Durbridge one of Britain's most successful crime writers and creator of legendary sleuth Paul Temple. Jointly adapted by Ken Hughes and Oscar winner Guy Green, Portrait of Alison is presented here in a brand-new transfer from the original film elements, in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect ratio.Investigative journalist Lewis Forrester and his female passenger are killed when their car plunges over a cliff in Italy; Lewis leaves behind two brothers portraitist Tim, and pilot Dave. Although the case is closed, Inspector Colby of Scotland Yard does not believe Lewis's death was accidental. And as Tim is hired by the dead girl's father to paint her portrait from a photograph, a chain of mysterious events is set in motion which, for Colby, appears to confirm that Tim himself is a murderer...SPECIAL FEATURES[] Original Theatrical Trailer (textless) [] US Titles[] Image Gallery [] Original Press Release PDF
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