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Michael Crawford stars as a luckless, inexperienced youth desperate to break out of a sexual catch-22 in this effervescent, sharply observed comedy from Roy Baker; Nyree Dawn Porter is the young woman who might just be able to assist him...Based on David Stuart Leslie's novel In My Solitude and featuring support from Julia Foster, Michael Craze and Blow Up icon David Hemmings, Two Left Feet is presented here in a brand-new transfer from the original film elements in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect ratio.Alan Crabbe is 19 and as gauche as they come. Every time he tries a manful stride into the jungle of sex, his two left feet turn the attempt into a stumble. But then he meets Eileen, the new waitress in the corner cafe, who signals unmistakable messages at Alan with her large, inviting eyes...SPECIAL FEATURES[] Image gallery [] Original Pressbook PDF
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Two Left Feet ( 2 Left Feet )

Two Left Feet

2 Left Feet