Trova il miglior prezzo per Skywatcher - Telescopio Dobson N 76/300 Heritage DOB. Controlla le recensioni e la scheda tecnica del prodotto per essere sicuro di acquistare il prodotto che stai al prezzo più basso sul web.

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Specifiche di Prodotto
The Sky-Watcher Heritage 76 is a highly affordable and easy to use Dobsonian base telescope that is perfect for beginners. Thanks to its careful engineering including aluminized and overcoated mirrors the Sky-Watcher Heritage 76 Mini Dobsonian Telescope combines ease of use, extreme portability and consistent great all-around astronomical viewing performance. The optical tube gathers enough light to allow simple study of galaxies, star clusters, and nebulae, while the 2 included interchangeable eyepieces provide added versatility. The telescope comes equipped, as standard, with a 5x magnification Finderscope, for the easy location of night sky objects. The uncomplicated manually operated Dobsonian alt-azimuth mount makes it a convenient, highly portable, grab-and-go system. The complete telescope and mount comes fully assembled straight out of the presentation Giftbox.
Caratteristiche del prodotto

Telescopio dobsoniano

Primaria specchio 76 mm

Lunghezza focale (tele) 300

Apertura Max (tele) F/4, Dimensioni 400 mm (altezza)

Oculare 10 mm e 25 mm, Ingrandimento 12 x, 30 x