Trova il miglior prezzo per Sarchio - Semi Di Zucca - 150g. Controlla le recensioni e la scheda tecnica del prodotto per essere sicuro di acquistare il prodotto che stai al prezzo più basso sul web.

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Specifiche di Prodotto
Sarchio's story began in 1982 with the aim to produce natural handmade Italian products, rediscovering the old traditional cuisine without chemical additives, dyes and preservatives and with the desire to protect human health and the environment without sacrificing good taste.  The founding members of the company immediately comprehended the importance of an environmentally friendly agriculture system able to offer products with higher nutritional values and significant health benefits.   Sarchio can proudly state that they were the first company in Italy to produce simultaneously both organic and gluten free products. As in its early days, today Sarchio develops products that are pure, healthy and designed for individuals with food intolerances.  These products are developed in a manner that both respects the Earth and takes the consumer's health to heart. Little treasure of health, Sarchio pumpkin seeds are simple and natural seeds, not toasted.  Natural source of essential trace elements, they are a versatile ingredient for the preparation of bread, bakery products and to embellish salads.
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