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The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 2: The cavalry
The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 4: Artillery & military engineering: Artill...
Black. Architecture in monochrome. Ediz. illustrata
Uniforms of Russian army in the XVIII century Vol. 1: Under the reign of Catherine II Empr...
Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 vol. 06: Invalid, Garrison, Arsenal an...
Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 vol. 11: Service troops, medical, civi...
Uniforms of Russian army of Peter I the Great: from the reign of peter I to Catherine I, p...
The tombs of the Doges of Venice from the beginning of the Serenissima to 1907
Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855. Ediz. illustrata. General major staff...
The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 1: Major staff, Maison du Roi, Guards
The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 3: The infantry
The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 5: National guard & allied armies: National...
Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 - Vol.13: Irregular troops, flags and...
Achtung Panzer!: Storia e uniformi dell'arma corazzata tedesca 1939-1945: 26
La guerra di Sardegna e di Sicilia 1717-1720. Gli eserciti contrapposti: Savoia, Spagna e...
Beyeler. Fondation Beyeler. Ediz. inglese: Foundation Bayeler
Le uniformi militari dell'armata sarda 1840-1855: I piemontesi dalla guerra del 1848 alla...
Uniforms of Swiss Regiments in French service: From 1500 to 1830: 10
La vanità della cavalleria
Le medaglie d'oro al valore dei carabinieri. Ediz. a colori
Tribù. Ritorno a casa e appartenenza
The Cossacks 1799-1815: No. 67
Hitler’s Russian & Cossack Allies 1941–45: 503
Palm Springs: A Modernist Paradise [Lingua Inglese]
Uniforms of Russian army during the Napoleonic war vol.16: The Guards Cavalry: Cuirassiers...
The Art of LEGO Construction: New York City Brick by Brick (English Edition)
Uniforms of Russian army during the Napoleonic war vol.2: The Infantry Grenadiers, Muskete...
Paper Soldiers by Carlo Pozzi – Vol. 2: Uniforms of XX century
Das deutsche heer des kaiserreiches zur jahrhundertwende 1871-1918. Nuova ediz. (Vol. 2)
The Legiones Cannenses: The First Professional Army of the Roman Republic [Lingua inglese]...
14th Cent. German tournament knights
Lucca 1818: Storia di un abbellimento urbano
Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 vol. 9: Guards sapper, engineers, staf...
Monumental Seattle: The Stories Behind the City's Statues, Memorials, and Markers
Manmade Wonders of the World (DK Wonders of the World) (English Edition)
Gaudì. Coloring Gaudì, Barcelona and Modernism
La Landschutz del Litorale Adriatico
La Guerra di Sardegna e di Sicilia 1717-1720 vol. 3/2: Gli eserciti contrapposti: Savoia,...
Paper soldiers of drum majors: In the art of Jean-Benoît Pfeiffer
Byzantine army - Esercito bizantino AD 395-1453
Be PARA Fit: The 4-Week Formula for Elite Physical Fitness
Legione straniera. Storia, regole e personaggi
Paper soldiers of Napoleonic era – 2: Prusse & German allied from the Vinkhuijzen col.: Vo...
Paper soldiers of Napoleonic era – 3: Russia & Holland from the Vinkhuijzen col.: Vol. 3
Uniformi moderne. 300 divise militari di tutto il mondo. Ediz. illustrata
In aspri cimenti... Compendio di storia del paracadutismo (Vol. 2)
Paper Soldiers by Carlo Pozzi – Vol. 1: From 1650 to 1890
La penna del najone
Le decorazioni militari vigenti nel regno di Spagna
Le uniformi della Repubblica. Esercito, armamenti e politica in Italia (1945-1949)